Product Description
Detail Package Page
- Create (Admin)
- Package Name | required
- IMG Banner | required
- Service List | Can add more items | required
- Detail of Service | Can add more items
- Duration | Can add more items | required
- Duration
- Price
- Edit (Admin)
- Package Name | required
- Service List | Can add more items | required
- Detail of Service | Can add more items
- Duration | Can add more items | required
- Duration
- Price
- Delete (Admin)
- Delete button
- Modal Confirm
- Read (User)***
- IMG Banner
- Package Name
- Detail Service | Can Selected Choice
- Duration
- Price
- Payment Method
- Debit / Credit / Bank Transfer
- Confirmation
IMG Work Package
Service List
1.VISA Investment (Selected)
2;รับส่งสนามบิน (Choice)
3;ประกัน (Choice)
4;การทำใบขับขี่สากล (Choice)
5;บริการเช่ารถ (Choice)
1. 3 เดือน (Choice)
2. 1 ปี (Choice)
3. 3 ปี (Choice)
Summary = คำนวนจาก choice ที่เลือก
Include Taxs = Sum + Taxs
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